eSyndicate Your source for free online food content

XML Web feed — free, high-quality content for your Web site

Looking for free, easy-to-use online content? Family Features Editorial Syndicate provides weekly updated features, recipes, articles, tips and links as XML sources for incorporation into your Web site. Our XML feed delivers high quality, color editorial features showcasing products and services from America's favorite companies, associations and their agencies. These eye-catching themed features are used by print and online editors on the front page of their food and lifestyle sections to build readership and add value to their publications and web sites.

This page provides a summary of XML feeds, schemas, XSLT examples and resources.
Further details for our XML feed can be found at XML Feed Development Guide.


To use Family Features' XML Feed, we require the following attribution:

A service of Family Features

XML Feeds
Dynamic Web pages return XML documents for weekly features and recipes. Weekly features and recipes contain unbounded sequences of features and recipes. See schemas below for more information on features and recipes data. In the weekly features feed each feature contains an id attribute that can be used to get reference to the feature detail, which is called from the feature feed. The following example feeds contain a default XSLT style sheet that will transform the feed if viewed under Internet Explorer 6. If you look at the source of the page you will see the XML data of the feed.
XML Schemas
These schemas are componentized. The recipe component builds upon the format and image components. The feature component builds upon recipe and sponsor components. Finally the weekly features are an unbounded sequence of features.
These are basic examples of using XSLT to transform the feeds. The weekly feature gives an example of getting reference to feature data. Look for <xsl:variable name="id" select="@id"/>    <a href="feature.ashx?featureId={$id}">. When saving these xml feeds off locally for caching purposes you could change these to static references. The Feature and Article transforms listed below call a HTML formatting template. If you don't want the transmitted HTML format you can override it by changing or replacing this template.
For help contact Media Communications at or 888-824-3337.

Here are some books and URL's that can provide further information on XML & XSLT
  • Tidwell, D. (2010). XSLT: Mastering XML transformations. O'Reilly. Sebastopol, CA.
  • DuCharme, B. (1999). XML: The Annotated Specification. Prentice Hall PTR. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Burke, E. (2001). Java and XSLT: Embedded XML Processing. Into Java Applications O'Reilly. Sebastopol, CA.
  • Laughlin, B. (2000). Java and XML. O'Reilly. Sebastopol, CA.
  • St. Laurant, S. (2000). Building XML Applications. McGraw Hill. New York.
  • St. Laurant, S. (2000). XML Elements of Style. McGraw-Hill. New York.